As part of our commitment to ensuring that all our students are equipped to live safe and healthy lifestyles, all pupils at Crosfields will be taught PSHE (personal, social and health education). This will be taught once a week in their form groups.
Pupils will also be taught Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and the purpose of this is to provide knowledge and understanding of how the human body changes during puberty and the processes of human reproduction, within the context of relationships based on love and respect. It should develop understanding and attitudes which will help pupils to form relationships in a responsible and healthy manner. We believe that if young people can start their transition into adulthood with good information and knowledge of what is happening to them, they will be more likely to grow into confident and healthy adults who are able to make positive choices.
All teaching materials are appropriate to the age and emotional maturity of the pupils concerned and teachers will present both PSHE and RSE in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner.
The key aims of PSHE and RSE at Crosfields are to:
- Provide accurate and relevant information about the physical and emotional changes that children and young people will experience through their formative years and into adulthood.
- Establish an awareness of the importance of stable family life and relationships, including the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage.
- Foster self-awareness and self-esteem.
- Develop a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and others.
- To equip young people with the knowledge to look after their physical and emotional health.